
focusing my thoughts downstream

Downstream Thoughts

Written by Debbie Kesley

Bobbing on a float of vivid images toward a destination
of all that feels good.
I release my wandering thoughts downstream.
The life flow of all Universal forces
lap gentle and soothing undercurrents to
guide and sustain me on my natural way.

Surges of energy present moments when
urges to grab and cling to past strong holds in my
memory still tempts me upstream to the familiar.
Aware of a powerful eruption of contrast between
my common emotional shores and the desire in which I
was born to flow and choose to venture.

Oars of direction are anchored between my ears with each
and every thought I give my attention to.
Familiar calls to join the popular and hypnotic communal
bonfire of the crowd demand my participation; however,
I surrender to the unknown bend around the corner where
Spirit calls my soul downstream to my place of joy and peace.

With a deep sigh and trusting heart,
I embrace the direction of the natural flow of my life.
Releasing the death grip to dying branches along the way
that no longer supports this Guided journey towards
all that is uniquely Me by
focusing my thoughts downstream.


Feel The Feelings Now!

Feel The Feelings Now!
written by Debbie Kesley

Can You Feel It?

The Feeling of “Having it Now?”
When you are totally happy
To over flowing –
And the tears that fall
Are such a sweet release.

You want to save them in
A bottle to label
With a day and year
To bring out again
And savor in the times
When you seem to be forgetting
That feeling of “Having it Now.”

So grab it! Photograph it!
Write about it!
Share it with a friend who
Will remind you down the
Road of how good it felt
When you were in “the now”
And that “now” was more intense
And real than all the other moments of time
Because that particular time stood still.

Remember it. 
When was the last time you felt love?
In-tune with your entire reason to
Be sucking wind on this planet
We call Earth?

Feel it again…….
Pour a glass from a great
Time and place
When your lover held you
Like he would never let you go……

Feel it again……..
The laughter ringing in your ears
As you share a moment of
Joy with a child full of wonder and delight.

Feel it again……..
The delectable tastes of icecream and
cherished times of closeness with a best friend
Who sees you with the heart and accepts
You for just who you are…..

Feel it again……
The moment of success when
You were great on the dance floor and you knew it…
When you met your goal of a grade, of a week’s earnings
Or even when you said …. I give up and I will simply ‘Allow’

Feel it……
Remember it…..
Call it to Life again by pouring the memories
And the feelings they provoke
Into today’s empty glass
To attract more of the
Same again.

Feel the feelings.

Written by Debbie Kesley