"What we are
contributes much more to our happiness than what we have.
What we are in ourselves,
what accompanies us ........
when we are alone,
what no one can give us
take away,
is obviously more essential to us
then everything
we have in the way of possessions,
or even
what we may be in the eyes of the world."
Arthur Schopenhauer
Ever had to really, really and truly
.....deeeeeep into the resources of the
very character of yourself?
Have you been exposed to the sort of
"in your face"
realities that blind side with no notice?
The blows of reality that change life as you have known it.... basically over night?
The kind like , say, in the game Monopoly
when you draw the card "do not pass go - do not collect two-hundred dollars."
You have absolutely no say in the matter.
You have been "defined" through a spouse, parent, boss, friend, lover, .....
the list goes on........
The "eyes of the world as you have known it lens" has turned it's blurry, self-projected lens on you.
Crap.......it happens........tag...you are it!!"
when I stopped to take this picture
I wondered to myself ...
sets the standards of definition
for this situation beneath my camera lens?
I see beauty, strength, color, and a sense of defeating the odds..........
What I see in this situation is a flower .....
a weed.
I also chose to give thanks for my inner beauty,
my strength of character, my colorful Spirit and my determined spirit to beat the odds .
The God in me has determined that,
even contrary to "eyes of the world" opinions that change like the wind blowing in the breeze;
I am a flower.......and as I know the truth about myself.....
I will choose to stand tall in whatever weedy soil that may surround me at that given moment and space in time.....
AND THEN.....................................
I will still and forever be defined as a
flower of the Universe
and that is all that really matters AND contributes to my happiness,
as well as,
the aroma of beauty from the happiness I share with those
who look for the flowering strength and beauty in me!
Dig Deep for the real character of you... .....
What YOU see in yourself is what you are!
Define it and GROW!
Written by Debbie Kesley
Written by Debbie Kesley
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