Ever paid attention to the sights, smells, temperatures, ............that bring something to mind?
I'm consciously doing that this Fall... stopping myself .......thinking a lot more.....especially winter .....and purposely already focusing on things that are true, right, pure ...excellent and worthy of praise.
Is it mine and only mine?
Is it true?
When I look in the mirror..............or in the face of a friend....or relative....what is reflected back?
Do I like what I see?
Watched a movie last night "The Ride"...........a reminder that life does not always seem fair..........but it is up to us to Live It Anyway!
Every year in my life.......more "untruths" are released.
Every season..... good memories and a positive life experience presents themselves...and I see them....smell them....taste them.....hear them.....touch them....embrace them....and they are mine.
My reality.
Life is good.
Written by Debbie Kesley